The Karnataka CM's statement that the party is on the verge of being shut down means that the call for a bandh will not evoke much response.

Key Highlights :

1. Congress is on the verge of getting bandh, so by means of such protests and bandh they want to safeguard their political future.
2. The bandh will not get any response from the people, as their "hands are completely immersed in corruption".
3. Accusing the Congress of indulging in 'rampant corruption' while in power, he claimed that the then CM Siddaramaiah had set "targets" for Ministers in his cabinet.
4. People know about their (Congress) tricks and games, people are aware as to who is true, anyways there is election by May, and people will decide in the electoral battle.

: Congress is corrupt and they're trying to use protests and bandhs to protect themselves.

Continue Reading at Source : economictimes_indiatimes
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