There is limited data on the extent to which explicit and implicit weight bias is present among Australian healthcare students, but it

Key Highlights :

1. Weight bias exists among healthcare students and can lead to negative attitudes and interactions with those who are obese or overweight.
2. This weight bias is often implicit and may be difficult to detect.
3. Healthcare students should be trained to respond to those with excess weight with impartiality and respect.

This new paper explored the presence of weight bias in Australian healthcare students. Weight bias may be explicit or implicit and can lead to derogatory talk from family, intimate partners, colleagues, or online contacts. When faced with overweight or obese patients, healthcare professionals may contribute to or worsen the issues already being faced by such patients. Physicians and others offering healthcare to society must be open and impartial in their services, but many hidden prejudices ingrained by cultures or personal experiences may disrupt this ideal attitude.

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